A black and white globe sits in front of window shutters
Soundproofing your Windows with Window Treatments

Every day we hear so much noise coming into our homes from the outside—everything from cars and trains to music, loud talking, and dogs barking. Unwanted noise from the surrounding environment can keep us up at night and interrupt our peace and quiet.

What can you do about unwanted noise? One way you can fight back against unwanted noise is by soundproofing windows. This guide explains what environmental noise is, the different ways noise can be reduced, and covers several window options that are available. Read on to learn more about noise pollution and how you can soundproof your windows.

What is Noise Pollution?

Environmental noise, also known as noise pollution, can be annoying as well as disruptive. What is noise pollution, exactly? Noise pollution is unwanted or harmful noise coming from outside that negatively affects living things.

Noise pollution can be very harmful and affects many people and other animal and plant life, too. Unfortunately, we humans cause a lot of noise when we are doing things outside. What can be done to combat all of this noise?

Thankfully, there are some measures you can take to reduce sounds coming in from outside. Some methods are good for reducing noise, and some are good for absorbing noise. What’s the difference?

Reduction vs. Absorption Soundproofing

Noise reduction and noise absorption may sound like they mean the same thing, but there is a difference. Noise reduction works by stopping sounds from entering a space. Typically, we hear noise through air, and noise reduction works by blocking air from outside from coming in. Reduction in soundproofing keeps sounds out and can be an effective method for fighting unwanted noise.

Noise absorption, on the other hand, helps reduce noise by absorbing some or all of the sound that already exists in a space. Sound-absorbent materials take in and trap noise, which results in less noise in your home. Both reduction and absorption work but are often combined for the best results.

Options for Soundproofing Your Windows

There are many different ways of soundproofing your windows. Some of these ways work by reduction, some by absorption. There are several different soundproof window treatments. The following section covers several effective products. Try one or several of the following options to help reduce the amount of unwanted sound in your home.

Double-Pane Windows

Double-pane windows are commonly recommended for reducing noise from outside. Double-pane windows have two panes of glass rather than one, so they are able to help with noise reduction. They work by blocking some of the sounds from entering your home.

Double-pane windows are a very expensive option, and they are not enough on their own to stop noise pollution from reaching you in your home. Thankfully, there are other options that work effectively and are much more affordable.

Thick Curtains

Using thick curtains on your windows is a tried-and-true method of reducing noise in your home. A good set of curtains act as a screen for windows and absorbs sound from outside, keeping things quieter in your space. Using curtains or drapes on your windows is a simple and cost-effective way to reduce noise pollution. Not only can thick curtains help reduce noise, but they can also help reduce your energy costs, as well.


Shutters are an excellent option for noise reduction. Indoor shutters work as a soundproof screen for windows. They are very effective against environmental noise, especially if constructed from good-quality wood. Shutters are easy to use, stylish, and work by helping to block out sounds. Indoor shutters are a simple, affordable, and attractive way to reduce noise in your home.


Blinds are another simple and affordable way to reduce unwanted noise. Blinds work by absorbing noise, similarly to curtains. Blinds are effective and look nice, too. They can also help reduce your light and heat bills, too. A good set of blinds reduces sound from outside and are an affordable option.

Cellular Shades

Another great way you can reduce unwanted noise in your home is by installing cellular shades. Cellular shades are window covers made of many fabric cells that work like an accordion when opened or closed, working as a soundproof window screen. These window coverings have the added benefit of reducing your light bill! Cellular shades are an attractive and affordable way to reduce outdoor sounds from making their way into your home.

Storm Doors and Windows

You can also install storm windows and doors on your home to help reduce unwanted noise. Storm windows and doors are very effective against noise pollution. They work by blocking a lot of the sound from entering your space. Storm windows are wonderful for use on an outdoor patio or a screened-in porch and work with your existing window to help block sounds. When used in this way, you can enjoy the outdoors without dealing with all of the unwanted environmental noise.

Solar Shades

Solar shades are another great option for reducing noise pollution in your home. Solar shades work to reduce noise by absorbing some of the sounds. Solar shades are a wonderful, affordable option for soundproofing your windows. These shades are attractive and can help reduce harmful sunlight, as well as reduce your light bill. Try installing solar shades to help you enjoy peace and quiet in your own space.

In Closing

In this guide, we covered what noise pollution is, different methods for reducing it, and several different products you can utilize to fight it in your own home. Hopefully, you find this information about soundproofing windows useful.

Consider having one or more of these options professionally installed on your home. At Screenmobile, our professional installers can help with all of your soundproofing needs. Our services include:

  • Window screens
  • Shades and blinds
  • Window shutters
  • Storm windows and doors
  • Custom solar screens
  • Motorized shades and blinds

Screenmobile has the noise reduction products you need to enjoy the peace and quiet of your home. Visit our website and complete this form for a free estimate, or find the nearest Screenmobile location today!

A gorgeous veranda porch, wrapping around the corner of a home
A Guide to Verandas and Wrap-Around Porches

Architects, home improvement designers and realtors, especially in the south and west of the country, will often talk about how much a veranda adds to a home in terms of utility, style, and, indeed, home value. But what is a veranda, what kind of benefits does having one offer, and how can you make the most out of yours? These are all pertinent questions for potential house buyers or someone looking to improve their home. So let’s start by taking a closer look at the first of those ‘what is a veranda’?

What is a Veranda?

The name veranda itself is from the Portuguese ‘varanda’, which probably originates from the Spanish ‘barranda’, meaning railing or handrail. This isn’t a surprise as both countries are very warm, and the Spanish architectural styles were imported to the southwest and places like New Orleans. So verandas were always very common in the warmer parts of the country before air-conditioning was invented. Still, it was from the late 19th century and on, during the picturesque movement, that the idea of making the most of outdoor space really took off, and verandas became a must-have for homes all over the US.

Today a veranda describes an open air porch, at ground level or slightly above it, that has a covering extending from the house. This differentiates it somewhat from other types of outdoor structures, such as a deck or patio, where the overhead covering is optional. As we saw from the roots of the word, verandas often have railings running along their edge, which give an impression of enclosure without affecting the veranda’s open-air nature. The idea of a veranda can often be interchangeable with that of a wrap-around porch as you guessed it, the veranda may wrap around more than one side of the house.

What is a Veranda: The Benefits

A Welcoming Entrance

Walking up to your house (or any house), the building can come across as forbidding or unwelcoming if it has no exterior details. However, with a veranda with furniture, personal items or screen walls, it seems more like an extra room of the house that you or any guest is arriving straight into. This domestic veranda room can also mean that crossing the threshold into your home isn’t actually necessary, and you can meet and talk with people comfortably and politely outside.

Enjoying the Fresh Air

Among the many benefits of having a veranda is how it allows you access to the fresh, outside air in all kinds of conditions. If it’s hot and stuffy inside, but you don’t want the aircon blasting, then the veranda is the place to go, even if it’s raining outside, with its super durable permanent covering, the veranda is still a great place to chill out, in the open. A veranda screen enclosure also allows you to take in that fresh air without having to worry about insects swarming over attracted by the lights.

Great for Entertaining

Entertaining guests at your home can be stressful if you’re worrying about how tidy your home is before they arrive or how untidy it’ll be after they’re gone. A veranda then becomes the perfect place to host people, out in the fresh air and with no fear of spillages on your carpet and of course, there can always be through-flow between the inside and outside. Installing a veranda screen enclosure keeps unwanted guests, i.e., bugs, away from the party and adds a layer of privacy to your outside space to make it even more relaxing.

Extra Square Footage

As an addition to your home, at the least, a veranda adds extra space to what can be considered ‘yours’. This provides its own personal comfort and gives you and your loved ones more area to move around or hang out in. Interestingly though, it also adds value to your home, with this extra footage counting as living space.

A Relaxing Space

Most of all, what a veranda delivers is a perfect ‘do-nothing’ space, it’s not an office, bedroom or kitchen, just a peaceful place to sit out and enjoy in whatever way you want. Your space is yours to do with as you wish. It can be somewhere you watch the world go by and chat with neighbors, somewhere quiet you go to read or a place where everybody comes to meet. Wrap-around porches or spaces with a veranda screen enclosure can also deliver a greater sense of privacy.

Getting the Most Out of Your Veranda

You can do so many things to make your outside veranda space yours in terms of decoration and furniture. It could be a swing seat, a table set for dining or working, or even loungers and a TV to create an outdoor screen room. It’s also possible to create the perfect veranda for all seasons with veranda screen enclosures to keep out the worst of the weather and bugs or winterproofing with heavier-duty screens and a sliding door. There are numerous ways you can alter or decorate your own veranda to make sure it is exactly the outdoor space you want.


Tracing its history back centuries, the veranda is a staple architectural feature, especially across the south and west. A veranda is a versatile outdoor space that can be shaped as you wish so that it becomes one of your home’s favorite spaces. This could be through furniture, how you decorate or with a veranda screen enclosure to protect you from the elements and annoying bugs.

Whatever you wish to do with your veranda, why not talk to the experts to see what your options are. Screenmobile has been helping homeowners across the country to create the veranda of their dreams for decades. To find out more about how we can help you get the most out of your veranda, you can read more here or get in touch with your local Screenmobile operator.

biting midges - no see ums
What are No See Ums & How To Get Rid Of Them

Whether you frequently spend time outdoors or you live in a humid area, you’re probably no stranger to pests like no see ums. These small but bothersome insects deliver extremely itchy bites, leaving many an unsuspecting hiker or camper riddled with irritating red splotches.

You normally encounter these pests outside, but a no see um invasion in your home is possible, especially if you live near a body of water. No see ums can ruin everything from get-togethers to just relaxing in your home. Keep reading to find out what no see ums are, how to identify their bites, and most importantly, how to get them out of your space and keep them out for good.

What Are No See Ums?

No see ums are tiny insects belonging to the Ceratopogonidae family that are infamous for their ability to ruin a nice day at home with irritating bites. Also known as biting midges, these mosquito-like pests feed on the blood of humans and other animals in order to produce eggs. Less than ⅛ inches long, they may be hard to see, but you’ll surely know they’re around when you begin to notice itchy clusters of red dots appearing on your skin.

The life cycle of no see ums consists of 4 stages: eggs, pupae, larvae, and adults. It may take anywhere from 2 to 6 weeks for no see ums to reach the adult stage. Once they do, females will fly up to 2 km away from the breeding site in search of food.

Contrary to popular belief, no see ums and sandflies are actually not the same species. Though both are a type of small biting insects, sandflies belong to an entirely different biological group.

Where Are They Found?

Like many other types of insects, no see ums are often found in wet, humid areas or in close proximity to bodies of water. Females typically lay their eggs in moist areas, as the larvae can be both aquatic and terrestrial. So, if you live in a coastal region, you may be particularly at risk for an invasion from no see ums.

No see um bites also occur frequently while adventuring outdoors. Hikers, campers, fishermen, and even joggers might find itchy bites littering any exposed patches of skin, especially when exploring near marshes and other moist climates.

Identifying a No See Um Bite

The diet of no see ums typically consists of flower nectar. However, as we mentioned, female no see ums have to feed on either human or animal blood to gain enough protein to produce eggs. This leads them to bite humans when they have the opportunity. Due to their small size, you may not be able to pinpoint what is biting you at first. This can be an indication that what you’re dealing with is, in fact, no see ums.

No see um bites may look similar to mosquito bites at first, but they are much more severe. When one of these tiny pests bites you, it injects some of its saliva under your skin to draw blood to the surface, making feeding easier. This leaves behind small, itchy red marks that can expand into larger, more uncomfortable welts in the coming days.

You can treat no see um bites the same way you would treat itchy bites from most insects. Wash the area thoroughly with soap and warm water to get rid of any saliva left on your skin. If your bites are swelling, you can apply a cold compress or ice pack to relieve the pain.

You should also try your best to avoid scratching your no see um bites, as it can cause bleeding. Over-the-counter products like hydrocortisone cream, calamine lotion, or aloe vera may be helpful for reducing itchiness as the bites heal.

How to Get Rid of No See Ums

Though you’re most likely to run into no see ums outdoors, they have been known to invade houses as well. If you have an insect problem, try these solutions to get rid of or repel no see ums quickly.

Climate Control

A great way to chase away no see ums is to control the climate in your home. As we explained, these pests prefer warm, moist areas. With a combination of air conditioning and dehumidifiers, you can make your home as unwelcoming as possible for these creatures by creating an environment with cold temperatures and low humidity. No self-respecting no see ums will want to stick around for long.

Carbon Dioxide Traps

Female no see ums are attracted to the scent of human skin. But what exactly does human skin smell like? Our bodies emit a combination of carbon dioxide, heat, and lactic acid. This is like ringing a dinner bell for no see ums who are immediately alerted that there is blood nearby.

Since females are likely to follow the scent of carbon dioxide, one efficient way to get rid of no see ums is to set carbon dioxide traps. These traps release carbon dioxide into the air to attract no see ums. Once the insects get close enough to the device, they become trapped either by an adhesive or a vacuum.

No See Um Screens

Screenmobile’s custom screens are the perfect solution to prevent no see ums and a variety of other unwanted pests from entering your home in the first place. Our custom screens allow you to prioritize your unique needs by selecting from a variety of fabrics. Our insect control fabric is specially designed to keep out even extremely small pests like no see ums, which may be able to fit through typical mesh screens.

If you need help fighting back against your insect problems, give us a call or fill out our contact form. We will dispatch one of our trained Screenmobile professionals to your house ASAP. Thanks to our handy workshop trailers, all it takes is one visit to get high-quality, custom-made mesh screens installed in your home. Let us help you take back control of your space from pesky pests today!

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