Small house on an autumn’s day
Essential Fall Maintenance for Window and Door Screens

As summer fades into the cooler months of fall and winter, many may already have ideas of ways to winterize their homes – especially those in colder climates. Getting your window screens ready for a harsh winter can be crucial to preserving the life of those screens and keeping your home comfortably warm. 

Before winterizing, though, window screen maintenance should first start with steps to prepare for autumn. The sooner homeowners start on essential fall maintenance for window and door screens, the more protected those screens will be for winter. 

Here, Screenmobile will take a deeper dive into the screen maintenance tips every homeowner should take for fall to ensure the longevity of the screens that protect their windows, doors, and porches. 

Your Fall Window & Door Screen Maintenance Checklist 

Getting ready for fall? Use this fall window screen maintenance checklist to ensure that you’re prepared for the colder months: 

  • Remove your screens and clean them using a mild soap and water 
  • Inspect each screen for holes or damage
  • Patch any minor holes, or call a repair service for more major issues 
  • Store your frames, if you choose to, somewhere they can be kept straight and upright. 

Keep reading for a more in-depth look at our fall window and door screen maintenance tips. 

Window & Door Screen Maintenance for Fall 


A summer of wind, rain, bugs, dirt and debris has undoubtedly taken a toll on the state of your screens. Step one of any good fall window screen maintenance routine should be to clean them. 

Remove the screens carefully and find a flat, clean surface to lay them out on – back porches and driveways are usually safe bets. Use water, a mild soap, and a soft brush to scrub each screen clean, taking care to reach the corners. Clean both sides, rinse, and allow time to air dry completely. 

Cleaning window screens doesn’t just keep them looking nice, though that is a nice bonus. Cleaning as a part of regular screen maintenance and preparing those screens for fall will make a huge difference in their longevity and durability. 

Throughout the year, naturally occurring salts and biological matter lodge themselves in the fine mesh of a window screen as they’re blown around by wind and rain. The natural acidity in those materials will begin to slowly erode and wear down even the toughest window screens if left to molder for too long. 

Cleaning as a part of fall window screen maintenance will also help to prevent moisture and bacteria from accumulating on top of a layer of existing dirt and harboring mold and mildew. 


Another part of fall door and window screen maintenance is inspecting for damage. When you remove your screens to clean them for fall, take the time to give them a thorough inspection. 

  • Look in the corners to see if they’ve started to pull or peel away.
  • Check for holes, rips, or tears. Some may be thin – use your hands to gently prod the screen and feel for gaps.  
  • Find areas where the mesh might look thin, faded, or especially shiny even when it’s dry- this can signal that it’s starting to wear down. 
  • Inspect the spline (the rubber piece holding the screen mesh in place) and frame to find corrosion or damage. 
  • On doors, take special care to inspect near the bottom, where feet and pets are more likely to have caused wear and tear over time. 
  • On doors, check for gaps or openings when the door is shut. If your door does not seal well in a certain spot, you can either adjust the hinges or add a bug sweep to keep things tight.
  • Inspecting your doors and windows now, especially if you plan to store them for the colder months, is essential to your screen maintenance checklist. It’ll be easier to repair or replace them now rather than in the height of spring when bugs, allergens, and heat are all on the rise. 

Inspecting your door’s screen in the fall can also allow for preventative maintenance before the fall and winter holidays when the door will be opened and closed for everything from family visits to trick-or-treaters and package deliveries as holiday shopping ramps up. 


After your inspection, it’s time to address any rips, tears, or signs of wear. Significant damage, like tears and holes from pets, especially on doors, will need a complete replacement. However, some minor flaws can be quickly patched as a temporary fix. 

Small tears and holes can be covered up with a simple, clear adhesive. Brush the adhesive directly over the tear on both sides of the screen. Allow this adhesive plenty of time to dry before replacing or storing the screen. You can also use a clear nail polish for this. 

If you have any scrap screen mesh, you can sew it over a slightly larger tear or hole, creating a patch. Using a thin, strong thread (like heavy-duty polyester tread), make your stitches as small as possible and sew around the hole. 

However, the best, most reliable way to repair or replace a damaged window screen is to call in a professional. 

Screenmobile has screens for any type of door.

Should You Store Your Window Screens in Fall and Winter? 

There’s much debate on whether you should store window screens in fall and winter. In truth, there’s no one-size-fits-all answer here. Whether or not you remove your window screens in fall and winter depends on the weather where you live. 

If you live somewhere especially cold and snowy, removing your window screens will prevent snow from becoming trapped between the screen and the glass. It’ll also allow in more natural light when it’s available. You may also consider swapping your screens for storm windows to protect them from harsh winter weather. 

If you live somewhere with less harsh winter months, storing your window screens is entirely up to you but not completely necessary. However, fall window maintenance should still include giving those screens a good cleaning, as dust from a hot or humid summer has likely accumulated on them. 

If you are storing your windows for fall, be sure to keep them somewhere where they’re upright and unbent. Bending or twisting the frames might cause them to warp over time. 

Pro tip: Before removing your screens for the winter, label the orientation and location of each screen with a small piece of masking or painter’s tape. Doing so helps cut down on the time (and headaches) of re-installing your screens come springtime.

Repair or Replace Your Window Screens with Screenmobile 

The best way to ensure that your window screens are prepared for fall or any season is to fit them with the durable, weather and pet-proof screen window options from Screenmobile. Reach out to the window and door screen experts at Screenmobile to see how we can help you have long-lasting, durable screens all year long.

Pet-Friendly Screening Solutions

With our beloved furry companions playing a pivotal role in our homes, ensuring their safety becomes a top priority. If you’re a pet owner, you’re well aware of their penchant for testing the durability of our household items, screens included. Therefore, choosing the right pet-friendly screens becomes essential not just for their protection but also for maintaining the aesthetics and functionality of our homes.

Why Invest in Pet-Friendly Screens? The Comprehensive Guide

For many of us, our homes are not just a sanctuary for our families but also our furry companions. As pet owners, we want to make our living spaces as comfortable and safe for them as possible. One often overlooked aspect of pet safety and comfort is the type of screen we use in our homes. While screens play an indispensable role in our daily lives, not all screens are created equal, especially when pets are involved. Here’s a deeper dive into why pet-friendly screens are a worthy investment:

Protecting Your Home and Your Pets

 1. Guard Against External Threats: 

Screens serve as our home’s frontline shield against unwanted pests, debris, and other external irritants. They allow us to enjoy fresh air without the unwelcome company of bugs or the debris the wind might bring.

 2. Durability Against Pet Behavior: 

Traditional screens, while effective against bugs like no-see-ems, are often no match for pets’ enthusiastic and sometimes unpredictable behavior. A curious cat might see a screen as a climbing post and an excited dog might jump at the sight of a squirrel, putting pressure on the screen. This is where the superiority of pet-friendly screens becomes evident, as they are specifically designed to better handle such challenges.  

 3. Security Screens for Extra Durability 

Security screens are a great option for people with pets who are known to cause some damage. Using a security screen will not only make you feel safe but also give you the best protection against pet behavior. You get all the security and pet protection you need while adding a decorative touch to your windows.

 4. Cost-Effective in the Long Run: 

While the initial investment in pet-friendly screens might be higher than regular ones, they often pay for themselves over time. Thanks to their durability, the frequency of replacements or repairs is often reduced, leading to long-term savings.

Essential Features of Pet-Friendly Screens:

  • Puncture Resistant: 

This is the most vital feature. Pets, especially kittens and puppies, are playful by nature. Their sharp claws and teeth can easily tear through standard screens. Pet-friendly screens, on the other hand, are woven from thicker fibers and a more heavy-duty PVC coating. This design resists punctures and ensures that the screens remain intact, even after multiple ‘attacks’ from your playful furball. Do you have a cat that thinks your windows and screen doors are just another scratching post? Explore the puncture-resistant options we offer at Screenmobile.

  • Durability: 

The term ‘durable’ isn’t just a marketing gimmick. It signifies a product that can withstand the test of time, elements, and, yes, pets. A genuinely durable screen will not just resist punctures but will also stand firm against varying weather conditions. These screens remain uncompromised against heavy rain, intense sunlight, and can even help against stronger weather, ensuring your home stays protected year-round. Contact us and learn more about our durable screen solutions.

  • Custom Fit: 

One size does not fit all, especially in the world of home design. Every home has its unique architecture, and every pet has its peculiarities. Screenmobile will consider all these variances, ensuring a snug fit for any window or door frame. Beyond aesthetics, a well-fitted screen provides optimal protection and functionality, ensuring no gaps for bugs to enter or for pets to exploit. 

Ready for the ideal screens for your home? Request a custom-fit estimate today!

  • Long-term Peace of Mind 

In essence, investing in pet-friendly screens is more than just a purchase; it’s a commitment to your pets’ safety, comfort, and well-being while ensuring longevity and functionality for your home. As a bonus, it’s a strong financial investment—your screens will hold up against your pet and require fewer repairs and replacements.

Making the right choice now will lead to peace of mind for both you and your furry friends in the long run.

Creative Pet-Friendly Design Ideas For Screened-In Areas: Your Complete Guide

  • Unique Pet Screen Doors: 

Treat your furry companion to their very own entrance! Pet screen doors are not only an endearing addition to your home, but they’re also highly functional. Crafted specifically for pets, these doors ensure they can enjoy freedom of movement, venturing in and out with ease, all while keeping those pesky bugs at bay.

  • Elegant Sliding Screen Doors: 

Elevate the design quotient of your patio or backyard with sliding screen doors. These aren’t your ordinary screens. Combining aesthetics with strength, they’re reinforced to deter even the most curious pets from causing unintentional damage.

  • Enhanced Security with Grill Guards: 

Some pets are brimming with energy and curiosity. For such spirited friends, fortify your screens with grill guards. They not only add an additional layer of protection to your pet-proof screens but also extend the lifespan of your screens by reducing wear and tear. Learn more about pet guards.

  • Catio

Catios are cat-specific patios that provide safe outdoor spaces. An enclosure can be erected around a window or door, apart from the house, or by renovating outside spaces. Many households lack space for large gardens or time to watch their pets outside. It can be hard to bring your cat outside with busy schedules and long workdays. A Catio lets your cat enjoy the outdoors, from sunbathing to watching animals, while offering pet owners peace of mind.

Explore our Catio blog to learn everything! 🐱🌿

Final Thoughts on Pet-Friendly Screening Solutions

Our pets infuse our lives with love, happiness, and moments of sheer joy. As responsible pet parents, prioritizing their safety, comfort, and happiness becomes second nature. Opting for specialized screens for pets is a proactive step towards creating a serene living space. It’s where you can soak in nature’s beauty, and your pets can play without any hindrances or dangers.

Looking to spruce up your home while keeping your furry pals in mind? Dive into Screenmobile’s stylish and sturdy range of pet-friendly screens. With a blend of design and durability, we promise a solution tailored just for you and your four-legged friend. Why wait? Discover the magic now and find your local Screenmobile to get started! 

Check out our reviews from customers with pets!


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